

Get the tag name used in the object. The class name should be the only name in the entire module. Get the tag of the first class name that mached.


string @ObjectGetTag(string classname);



string classname : Class name of object


Return Value

Tag name used in the object


Example 1

tag = @ObjectGetTag("AnalogRectangle1");


Description : Get tag name of 'AnalogRectangle1' object.

Example 2

classname = @ObjectGetClassName();
tag = @ObjectGetTag("this");
@sprintf(buf, "ClassName:%s Tag:%s", classname, tag);


Description : Get the tag name of the object to which the current script belongs and display it on the screen. @ObjectGetTag If "this" is used as a parameter, it means the class name to which the current script belongs.


Version Information

Supported Version: 10.3.3


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